QES and WHBI receive Project Lead the Way designation
QES and WHBI recently earned the 2018-19 Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Distinguished School designation for their PLTW Launch programs! QES and WHBI are two of 426 schools across the country to receive this designation.
“We are excited about our continued implementation of Project Lead the Way, as this program provides many hands-on and engaging opportunities for our students,” said WHBI Principal John Luthringer. “This award recognizes our district’s commitment to providing a strong STEM foundation for our youngest students, knowing that many of these skills are critical for their future.”
The PLTW recognition program is designed to honor districts and schools committed to increasing student access, engagement and achievement in their PLTW programs.
“We’re really proud of the program,” said QES Assistant Principal Maggie Kelly. “It gives students a great opportunity to be hands-on learners and explore. It also introduces STEM careers to our students.”
Kelly also credited the school’s partnership with Finch Paper. Finch worked closely with students in grades K-5 to learn more about careers in STEM. Representatives from Finch visited classrooms and students toured the Finch facility to see how paper is produced. “Finch got the program off the ground for us and they continue to play a large role,” said Kelly.
Throughout the district, Project Lead the Way offers research-supported, age-appropriate lessons and full-year courses in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science. The program is in all four school buildings, with students at every level exploring, discovering, creating and building 21st-century skills.“Project Lead the Way offers our students a variety of 21st-century skills to take with them throughout their lives,” said Superintendent Dr. Douglas Huntley. “Receiving this designation at QES and WHBI is a testament to the district’s commitment to increasing student achievement and engagement. I congratulate them on this accomplishment.”
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